Fertility acupuncture in Woodland Hills can be very beneficial for many couples that are having trouble conceiving. While anyone who is trying to get pregnant can benefit from all that acupuncture has to offer, there are certain cases in which acupuncture can be especially helpful. Those who are undergoing the process of in-vitro fertilization and those who suffer from what is referred to as “functional” infertility should take advantage of everything that acupuncture has to offer. From helping regulate your cycle, to helping to reduce stress in the body, fertility acupuncture is a healthy option for couples who want to have a baby.
Patients who suffer from hormone problems, endometriosis, immune disease, stress and other functional issues, often find that acupuncture not only decreases stress and anxiety, but helps to resolve many of the underlying issues that may be causing the infertility. When used for fertility, acupuncture can help women by regulating ovulation, reducing stress and anxiety, and balancing the endocrine system. It can also be incredibly beneficial in increasing the chances of success with in-vitro fertilization, as studies have found that many patients with healthy embryos increase their chances of getting pregnant when they undergo a regular regimen of acupuncture fertility treatments. Men can also enjoy the benefits of acupuncture, as it has been proven to invigorate sperm, leading to higher sperm counts and help with improved motility.
There are some cases where acupuncture is not recommended solely as a fertility therapy. While it can always help reduce stress and regulate the menstrual cycle, acupuncture cannot repair problems with damaged fallopian tubes or other common physiological problems that can lead to fertility issues. To see what acupuncture could do for you and your fertility, schedule a visit with your local practitioner. They’ll discuss your current health, your goals with fertility acupuncture treatments and help determine if you are a good candidate for fertility acupuncture.