Acupuncture and embryo transfer in Encino has been a hot topic in medical circles, especially since many professionals and medical researchers have shown positive outcomes that the combination can have on fertility rates. When used to compliment the embryo transfer or IVF process, acupuncture is known to improve blood flood to the ovaries and uterus, relax the uterine muscles and calm the nervous system. This is important, as part of the success of embryo transfer relies on the patient being calm and relaxed as possible. Are you a good candidate for this type of treatment?
If you’ve never tried acupuncture or think it’s just about using needles, then you are in for a pleasant surprise. Acupuncture is a soothing, calming procedure that is done in a relaxing and comforting environment. Super thin needles are inserted into specific points in the body that are known to stimulate blood flow and to keep your nervous system as relaxed as possible. When used before an embryo transfer process, acupuncture can help tremendously with reducing the anxiety that women may feel before the procedure. Acupuncture can also help prepare the uterus for implantation. It’s a drug free, hormone free way to help encourage a successful outcome with your embryo transfer.
Acupuncture therapy is a wonderful option for those who are looking for an affordable, easy way to help the embryo transfer process along. It can be highly effective at increasing pregnancy rates when used in conjunction with embryo transfer, and it’s a risk-free option that your doctor will approve of.
If you are interested in seeing what acupuncture could do for you during the embryo transfer process, contact your local licensed acupuncturist for more information. They will help you decide if this type of therapy could be beneficial to you and will help schedule the right types of treatments for fertility acupuncture. Schedule your appointment today!